By Jill Simmons on Sunday, 09 September 2018
Category: News

Ludic "Decision Accelerator" Software supports the 20th Future Trends Forum (FTF) in Madrid

Ludic's Decision Accelerators, a decision support suite of tools and applications, supported the Fondacion Innovacion Future Trends Foundation this week in Madrid. Working with the world's top scientists and policy makers, the think tank focused on New Flows of Capital: Strategies for an Evolving World Economy. Ludic's 'Decision Accelerators" enabled the group to develop ideas and synthesise information for focus groups to work on in more detail.

The Ludic Group are supporting the bi-annual FTF, a multi-disciplinary and global group assembled to address the key challenges facing Europe and Spain at present. The Future Trends Forum of the Fundacion Innovacion is considered one of the foremost think tanks in Spain and has been active for the last ten years. It assembles groups of the world's foremost thinkers to address pressing issues and topics, publishes recommendations, and focuses the investment of the Foundation in practical, pragmatic programmes that work to solve these challenges in society. The Ludic Group have supported the work of the ThinkTank for the last ten years.

In 2012 the Future Trends Forum has been recognised the 19th most important Think Tank globally in Science and Technology by the 'Global Go-To Think Tank Index'.

About the Foundation

Bankinter Foundation of Innovation, emerged naturally from the bank's culture as an extension of Bankinter's strategic values and pillars. Its resolute mission form its origins, is to implement a breakaway model for societal commitment and contribution, radically distancing itself from the traditional, universally accepted concept of a "foundation". The Foundation is different for many reasons: its focus, target audience, management model, projects, constituent members, partners and collaborators, media presence, the value it brings to society, etc. The Foundation's mission entails generating and consolidating innovation in the Spanish business world, in support of its ongoing commitment to bringing long-term value to all groups, but especially to entrepreneurs and those who have an impact on economic change. The Foundation strives to stimulate wealth creation in the Spanish business environment by seeking knowledge networks that promote tangible innovation anywhere in the world and that anticipate new trends. The target audience consists of all active agents capable of fostering sustainable wealth in the society over any time frame, whether they are existing decision makers (businessmen, entrepreneurs, high-level executives…) or those of the future (university students).

The only foundation in the European financial system committed to fostering innovation-sustained wealth. 

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